Thursday, April 27, 2006

Where's The Disconnect?

Why is disaster recovery still challenging to organizations? Perhaps a 2003 Harris Poll sheds some light. This poll, along with a more recent IDC study, revealed the false confidence of many executives compared to their more realistic IT Managers. When asked how long it would take to recover applications and data after a loss, CEO’s and other senior execs indicated 10 hours. IT Executives indicated 30-40 hours… over 3x longer! Clearly there is a disconnect. Unfortunately, by the time most business executives find this out, it is too late.

As a result of good planning however, my customer’s catastrophic event was relegated to a surmountable challenge. Heeding the advice of our 34th President, they were able to use this event as a learning experience to help further refine their plans. They were also thankful that, while the failure was with a separate system, the Global 360 support team rushed to assist with the recovery process to help bring them back online.

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