For over 13 years, I have been helping individuals and organizations across the country extract the most value from their technology investments. I am an Enterprise Software Account Executive (aka. Salesperson) and while we are all in the business of selling (i.e., persuading, convincing, evangelizing, etc.), I make my living at it.
Why Karma? Well, with a last name like Rudolph, you do not have to be the most creative kid on the playground to ascribe a seemingly witty verbal jab about our famously, socially-inhibited, glowing friend, onto yours truly. Like the story teaches, however, one must learn how to overcome adversity, transforming it into success, and use it to benefit others. The very definition of Karma.
That is what this blog is all about. My goal is to leverage the successes and failures I have seen over the years primarily in Enterprise Software projects and my natural curiosity for your benefit. I will seek to consolidate my accumulated knowledge, constant research, and general thoughts on Enterprise Software to help you meet your goals for your organization. If Karma is about giving and receiving, what do I hope to get out of this? Perhaps your business someday, or maybe a referral, but mostly the self-satisfaction that comes with helping others. That is what true sales and Karma is all about.